Review of the imaginary Great Universal History of the String Quartet
This important, imposing, powerful and ponderous work (more than two thousand pages divided into six tomes of encyclopedic format, published by Qp Editore) represents perhaps the highest peak of musicological research of the great Algesio Erbi. It is impossible to list here the merits with completeness of detail, the particular, incisive operations of research and rediscovery transfused therein. We limit ourselves to pointing out only a few of the many merits of the work. Starting from the origins of the string quartet as a form of entertainment, explored down to the smallest details, the author rightly (and how could it be otherwise?) finds its roots in Haydn, with particular emphasis on the too often neglected Op. 9, so pervaded with tensions in pure Empfindsamer Stil , not forgetting the contemporary production of Boccherini, too often left in the shadows or the object of only generic praise and lacking in detailed analysis. On the subject of national schools, it is worth rememberin...